App de trading móvil
App de trading para PC
Plataforma de Trading en Web
Opera a tu propio ritmo en nuestro software premium multiplataforma.
XTrend Speed tiene apps de trading para PC y móviles, de manera que los traders puedan operar en cualquier lugar y momento.
App de trading móvil
✓Para iOS y Android
✓Gestión de cuentas
✓Gestión del trading
✓Depósitos y retiradas
✓Ver el mercado en cualquier momento y lugar
✓Alertas de mercado
App de trading para PC
✓Para Mac OS y Windows
✓Gestión de cuentas
✓Gestión del trading
✓Resumen informativo
✓Herramientas de análisis del mercado
✓Indicadores técnicos
Plataforma de Trading en Web
✓Para Mac OS y Windows
✓Gestión de cuentas
✓Gestión del trading
✓Herramientas de análisis del mercado
Reconocimiento de los clientes
★★★★★October 22, 2018
I found the software very easy to use and the fact that costs are low was another plus. The ease with which you can add trades and graph analysis is without a doubt the best part of the tool. You get rewarded start up bonuses as well as deposit bonuses which increases your equity and therefore your ...
★★★★★July 23, 2019
Great app! I love it and recommend! There are just a couple of things I hope developers would take notice of: - optimization for horizontal view (when working on a tab) would be amazing. - some chart tools would be nice for technical analysis. Right now I have to cross reference a lot and the just a...
★★★★★February 19, 2019
I have tried and still use 7 different charting and trading platforms. I find XTrend most convenient and easy to understand. It’s flexibility to accommodate external indicators is fantastic. it is easy to understand. I will recommend it to any trader. I read it is one of the most popular platform and has updated regularly.
★★★★★December 12, 2020
Get it trust me it could very well be the best decision of your life. Best app you could ever invest your time into because no matter what if you get serious with it and you take the time to learn what you are looking there is so much money to be made its unbelievable
★★★★★July 27, 2018
This is the best trading app have ever get is the best among all, very good customer services, this app is not here to benefit there self not like others app, this one is here to benefit us and them, Reilly i love this app
★★★★★January 31, 2021
Since I've been using this app then I am getting a huge amount of dollars, but you should know the strategy to invest in this app and I am 100% sure this may change your life quickly!!!
★★★★★October 22, 2018
I found the software very easy to use and the fact that costs are low was another plus. The ease with which you can add trades and graph analysis is without a doubt the best part of the tool. You get rewarded start up bonuses as well as deposit bonuses which increases your equity and therefore your ...
★★★★★July 23, 2019
Great app! I love it and recommend! There are just a couple of things I hope developers would take notice of: - optimization for horizontal view (when working on a tab) would be amazing. - some chart tools would be nice for technical analysis. Right now I have to cross reference a lot and the just a...
★★★★★February 19, 2019
I have tried and still use 7 different charting and trading platforms. I find XTrend most convenient and easy to understand. It’s flexibility to accommodate external indicators is fantastic. it is easy to understand. I will recommend it to any trader. I read it is one of the most popular platform and has updated regularly.
★★★★★December 12, 2020
Get it trust me it could very well be the best decision of your life. Best app you could ever invest your time into because no matter what if you get serious with it and you take the time to learn what you are looking there is so much money to be made its unbelievable
★★★★★July 27, 2018
This is the best trading app have ever get is the best among all, very good customer services, this app is not here to benefit there self not like others app, this one is here to benefit us and them, Reilly i love this app
★★★★★January 31, 2021
Since I've been using this app then I am getting a huge amount of dollars, but you should know the strategy to invest in this app and I am 100% sure this may change your life quickly!!!
XTrend Speed - nunca dejamos de estudiar y mejorar
V 1.6.4
14-03-2023V 1.6.3
01-03-2023V 1.6.2
13-02-2023¿No has podido descargar la app XTrend Speed? Contacta con el servicio al cliente online
App de trading móvil
App de trading para PC
Plataforma de Trading en Web
Aviso es propiedad de y está operada por Rynat Capital (Pty) Ltd.
Rynat Capital (Pty) Ltd, es un proveedor de servicios financieros autorizado en Sudáfrica con número de registro 2004/005384/07 que está regulado por FSCA (Autoridad de Conducta del Sector Financiero) bajo el número de licencia FSP 23497.
XTrend Speed es un producto de Rynat Capital (Pty) Ltd y el proveedor del producto/proveedor de liquidez es Rynat Trading.
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Advertencia de riesgo: son instrumentos complejos con altos riesgos. Por favor, invierta con cautela.
Regiones restringidas: XTrend Speed no ofrece sus servicios a residentes de ciertas jurisdicciones como Afganistán, Albania, Estados Unidos, Bahamas, Barbados, Bielorrusia, Bélgica, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Camboya, Canadá, China, Chipre, Corea del Norte, Congo, Egipto, Ghana, Gibraltar, Islandia, Irán, Iraq, Jamaica, Japón, Jordania, Malí, Mongolia, Marruecos, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Pakistán, Panamá, Senegal, Sudán, Siria, Tanzania, Trinidad y Tobago, Uganda, Ucrania, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe.