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Cotizaciones de cruces forex


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Forex Cruce

Las cotizaciones de cruces proporcionan a los inversores las últimas noticias y tipos cambiarios, así como tablas con cotizaciones de los cruces. En la página "Cotizaciones de cruces Forex" los inversores pueden ver las cotizaciones de los cruces de docenas de divisas, la mayor parte de las cuales son las más populares del mundo, como el euro, el dólar de EEUU, el yen japonés, la libra británica, el franco suizo, el dólar australiano, el dólar canadiense y el dólar de Nueva Zelanda. Al mismo tiempo, en la página "Cotizaciones de cruces Forex" los inversores también obtienen acceso gratis a las últimas noticias y a la agenda económica de varias divisas.

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NoticiasAgenda económica

The U.S. Middle East envoy said he will travel to Saudi Arabia tonight with national security advisers to hold talks with Russia.

Resumen informativo16-02 15:07De XTrend Speed
The U.S. Middle East envoy said he will travel to Saudi Arabia tonight with national security advisers to hold talks with Russia.

The U.S. demand was made by “serious currency violations” and smuggling of dollars abroad, people familiar with the matter said.

Resumen informativo16-02 14:16De XTrend Speed
The U.S. demand was made by “serious currency violations” and smuggling of dollars abroad, people familiar with the matter said.

The three payment service companies will also be banned from using the US dollar, according to the U.S. Treasury Department’s request.

Resumen informativo16-02 14:15De XTrend Speed
The three payment service companies will also be banned from using the US dollar, according to the U.S. Treasury Department’s request.

At the request of the U.S. Treasury Department, the Iraqi central bank will ban five local banks from trading US dollars, two sources said.

Resumen informativo16-02 14:15De XTrend Speed
At the request of the U.S. Treasury Department, the Iraqi central bank will ban five local banks from trading US dollars, two sources said.

The document shows that the questionnaire sent by the United States to European allies on supporting Ukraine contains six key points.

Resumen informativo16-02 13:59De XTrend Speed
The document shows that the questionnaire sent by the United States to European allies on supporting Ukraine contains six key points.

U.S. Secretary of State Rubio told Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that he could always rely on the United States and U.S. President Trump.

Resumen informativo16-02 12:01De XTrend Speed
U.S. Secretary of State Rubio told Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that he could always rely on the United States and U.S. President Trump.